ARTICLE by Amanda Pease

Sleep Positioners: What You Need to Know

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B_for_Blog | Natural Baby Shower

This week the news has been awash with stories regarding research which suggests the dangers of using sleep positioners. Of course, we understand there has been a lot of worry amongst parents across the UK as to the safety of their little ones when using products like this.

We wanted to put together the various statements from our suppliers in order to help our customers make the most informed and educated decision about purchasing.


Sleep Positioners: What You Need to Know

“Sleepyhead is a multi-functional baby and child product. Sleepyhead is not a sleep positioner.

Our product also passes the British Standard for air flow through infant pillows, BS 4578, that was published in 1970 and confirmed in 2013.

We understand sleep positioners are intended to keep babies in a specific position while sleeping, such as through the use of straps or wedges that conform to the baby and keep the baby in a set position.  Unlike a sleep positioner, a baby can move about in our product.

Sleep Positioners: What You Need to Know

Q:  Is Sleepyhead safe? Have you had any injuries? Is Sleepyhead safe for overnight sleeping?

Numerous happy parents use our products every day. Our products are designed with safety in mind and have undergone extensive testing and even comply with voluntary standards. Sleepyhead is a multi-functional baby and child product. Sleepyhead is not a sleep positioner. Our product also passes the British Standard for air flow through infant pillows, BS 4578, that was published in 1970 and confirmed in 2013. We are not aware of injuries associated with using the product in accordance with its instructions, which include only using the product on a flat, firm and stable surface and placing a baby on his or her back to rest. Used correctly, Sleepyhead may be used for overnight sleep. However, children may have urgent needs and every child – no matter the environment – needs to be checked on. No product replaces a caregiver's supervision, and our products must be used in a childsafe and supervised environment.

Sleep Positioners: What You Need to Know

Q: How can supervision be required if using for overnight sleep / as crib insert?

Nothing is better for a baby's safety than the attention of a loving caregiver. This is why we advise that supervision is critical. In some settings, constant supervision may be required, while in others only intermittent supervision may be required as long as the baby is put down in a proper setting. For example, a baby should only be put to rest on his or her back, and our products should only be used on flat, firm, and stable surfaces. Used correctly, Sleepyhead may be used for overnight sleep. However, children may have urgent needs and every child – no matter the environment – needs to be checked on. No product replaces a caregiver's supervision, and our products must be used in a childsafe and supervised environment.

Q:  Why the different in different countries? How is Sleepyhead safe for overnight sleeping if DockATot is not?

Sleepyhead is a brand that is not sold in America, whereas DockATot is sold in America. While the products are similar, they are sold in different countries. We respect cultural values and work with regulatory guidance in every country in which our products are sold. The instructions on products sold in America is designed to comply with American standards and cultural norms. For example, authorities in the United States advise against the use of any soft goods in cots, and we instruct against the use of our products in such environments in America.

Numerous happy parents use our products every day. Our products are designed with safety in mind and have undergone extensive testing and even comply with voluntary standards. We are not aware of injuries associated with using the product in accordance with its instructions, which include only using the product on a flat, firm and stable surface and placing a baby on his or her back to rest. Used correctly, Sleepyhead may be used for overnight sleep. However, children may have urgent needs and every child – no matter the environment – needs to be checked on. No product replaces a caregiver's supervision, and our products must be used in a childsafe and supervised environment.”


“Further to the recent news relating to the re-issued advice from the US Food & Drug Administration (FDA) concerning sleep positioners; advice which originated following 12 deaths in the US between 1997 and 2010, whereby infants were placed on their side to sleep using a sleep positioning device¹,  Babymoov’s Cosydream has been highlighted in several articles and the company has released the following statement:

Sleep Positioners: What You Need to Know

‘We would like to assure customers that our award winning, paediatrician-approved products - Cosydream and Lovenest - have never been involved in any incident connected with infant fatality.  

Over a period of 10-years, more than 100,000 Cosydream units and 900,000 Lovenest baby pillows have been sold to satisfied customers worldwide, during this time both products have been met by wide acclaim.  In the same period, Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS) aka Cot Death has fallen to a record low, dropping nearly 40 per cent between 2004 and 2014².

The design of the Cosydream enables baby to sleep safely on their back in accordance with recommendations by the NHS.   

All Babymoov products comply with current regulations and the appropriate certification has been attained in relation to each of our baby sleep products.’ “




We understand the worries that come with any news regarding products aimed at keeping baby safe and comfortable, which is why we wanted to put all the information in one place. To learn more about the subject, see the official BPA statement. 

Shop Sleepyhead  >>

Shop Babymoov >>


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