
Tonies have created the innovative audio system that lives in over 1 million homes around the world: the Toniebox. Designed to encourage your little one's imagination and reduce their screen time as much as possible, the Toniebox is a music player that can be used independently by your child to enjoy stories and songs with the help of their favourite collectible characters. Tonies has also designed stylish headphones and carriers so you can listen to music on the move, or even create your own fun audio together. Tonies' aim is simple: to encourage children to enjoy stories and songs, and put the "play" back into "music player"!
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    Tonies FAQs

    Tonies have created the innovative audio device that lives in over 1 million homes around the world: the Toniebox. Designed to encourage your little one's imagination and reduce their screen time as much as possible, the Toniebox is a music player that can be used independently by your child to enjoy stories and songs with the help of their favourite collectible characters. Tonies has also designed stylish headphones and carriers so you can listen to music on the move, or even create your own fun audio together. Because it has no screen, the Toniebox engages little listeners through audio. By listening to stories, rather than staring at a screen, your little one is immersed in new worlds of imaginative and independent play.

    Each Toniebox comes with a Creative-Tonie so you can record up to 90 minutes of your own stories or music. You can even ask a grandparent or friend to record this message for your little one!

    Reading a favourite book to your little one helps you with that special bonding time and gives your children a sense of affection and well-being. It is an important way to help them build language skills and expose them to new words and language methods. It can also help them learn general information about the world, making it easier to learn about new subjects once they get to school.

    Listening to audiobooks helps your little one learn punctuation, enunciation, and emphasis which can help them speak and write more clearly and bring out a text's meaning. Little one's who listen to audiobooks develop language comprehension skills above their reading level as well as acquire new vocabulary and advanced constructs.

    The Toniebox is specially designed toy for children ages 3 years and up. Its popularity speaks for itself - data from Tonies shows that it's used a whopping 148 times more than any other toy! Parents love the long-lasting appeal of the Toniebox, as it becomes a beloved companion for many years.