Feeding | Weaning

Find everything you need for mealtimes. We have bibs for messy babies, stylish highchairs for comfort, tableware perfect for little hands and much more from brands we love. Done by Deer, Liewood, Stokke, aden + anais, Mushie, Toddlekind and more. Our selection of products is perfect for making mealtimes a breeze.
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    Feeding | Weaning FAQs

    As a general guideline, you can keep homemade pureed baby food in the refrigerator for up to 48 hours. Some food safety experts suggest that it can last for up to 72 hours. Adhering to this time frame can reduce the risk of bacterial growth in the puree. Fortunately, making baby food in advance is possible. You may store a few ounces in the fridge for later use or freeze larger portions for future meals.

    Try getting your little one started on the path to food exploration with delicious single-ingredient purees! Think parsnip, broccoli, potato, yam, sweet potato, carrot, apple, or pear. You can also start with a mix of baby rice and milk. Just remember to cool down any cooked food before serving. And when it comes to introducing potentially allergenic foods, take it slow - introduce them one at a time and in small amounts. Give your baby the exciting new tastes they crave while keeping a watchful eye out for any reactions.

    When it comes to storing baby food, you have options - glass or plastic. But we highly recommend glass, especially the Babymoov range. Why? Glass jars are not only recyclable but also chemical-free. While plastic containers are lightweight and recyclable, they may contain harmful chemicals like BPA. To keep your baby's food fresh, store it in airtight containers in the fridge. Choose wisely and keep your little one safe.

    If you're wondering how long you can keep pureed homemade baby food in the fridge, the general rule is up to 48 hours. However, some food safety authorities say it's safe to keep it for up to 72 hours. Keeping it refrigerated for a shorter time reduces the chance of bacteria growth. If in doubt, use it within 2 days. If you have leftover, uncontaminated food, it can be refrigerated for 3-5 days or frozen for 4-6 months. For the best results, store it in small containers with a secure seal.

    Creating nutritious homemade baby food is easy with a few essential tools. You'll need a blender or baby food maker like our favourite Babymoov Nutribaby(+), a knife for chopping fruits and veggies, spoons, small bowls, and an ice cube tray. To thin out your purees, have water, formula, or breastmilk on hand. Remember to use specialised baby food storage containers for handy, on-the-go meals. Let's get started!

    FIntroducing solid foods to your baby, also referred to as complementary feeding or weaning, is recommended from around 6 months old. While the amount of food isn't as crucial as your baby getting used to eating, it's essential to note that breast milk or their first weaning food should still provide them with most of their energy and nutrients.

    By introducing a range of foods alongside breastfeeding or formula, you can help cultivate healthy eating habits that will benefit your baby throughout their life. Over time, gradually increase the variety and quantity of food your baby eats, until they can enjoy the same meals as the rest of the family.

    There are 3 clear signs to tell if your baby is ready for their first solid foods alongside breast milk or first infant formula. They'll be able to stay in a sitting position and hold their head steady, co-ordinate their eyes, hands and mouth so they can look at the food, pick it up and put it in their mouth by themselves and swallow food.

    Pumping can be a great way to increase your milk supply, if you find you are having trouble producing enough milk to keep your baby full, regular pumping will help keep your supply up. If you are looking to feed your baby through pumping, you should pump every 2-3 hours, or as often as your baby would naturally nurse.
    Most mums find that pumping every few hours maintains milk supply while preventing discomfort. Not sure of the right breast pump for you? Take a look at our blog to help: https://www.naturalbabyshower.co.uk/blogs/b4baby/a-comparison-of-our-top-wearable-breast-pumps

    The Centers for Disease Cotnrol and Prevention recommends storing your breast milk at room temperature for up to four hours, in the fridge for up to four days and in the freezer for around six months. We have a great range of milk storage bags and organisers to choose from to help you with your pumping journey.

    At Natural Baby Shower we know how important it is find the feeding method that works best for both you and your baby. If you choose to breastfeed your child many mums look for a nursing pillow or feeding chair to help them find the perfect position, we offer a range of high quality nursing pillows and feeding chairs. Unsure of how to use a nursing pillow? Take a look at our expert guide: https://www.naturalbabyshower.co.uk/blogs/b4baby/your-expert-guide-to-nursing-pillows-with-bbhugme

    One of the benefits of breast feeding is also feeding on the go. We understand that feeding in public can be daunting, we offer a selection of stylish bras, nursing tops and covers made from the softest fabrics to provide excellent airflow for your baby and comfort and style for you. Still unsure of what to buy? Our breast feeding buying guide should help: https://journal.naturalbabyshower.co.uk/breastfeeding-buying-guide/

    We want to make sure every family’s weaning journey is a positive one, so we aim to provide expert advice to keep your baby happy and healthy. How should you approach your weaning journey? Experiences with weaning can be unique for every parent but take a look at our weaning blog for some tips and tricks for weaning: https://www.naturalbabyshower.co.uk/blogs/b4baby/stages-of-weaning

    Feeding | Weaning Articles

    How to choose the best highchair for baby-led weaning

    Are you getting ready to start weaning your little one? If so, you might be on the hunt for the perfect high chair ready for feeding time. Many parents opt for baby-led weaning, which can get a little messy so you'll want to find a highchair that offers less fuss, and more fun!


    What are the three stages of weaning

    We want to help explain some of the ways to approach your weaning journey. Experiences with weaning can be unique for every parent but there are a few recommended ways to introduce your little one to a new world of tastes and textures.


    A comparison of our top wearable breast pumps: Elvie, Pippeta and Frau

    For those who choose to breastfeed and want to express at the touch of a button, finding the right breast pump will be essential.


    Top 5 Highchairs for 2024

    The key to a successful and fuss-free mealtime with your baby is a high-quality and comfortable highchair. The right highchair should be simple to assemble, easy to wipe clean (meals can get messy), comfortable, safe, durable, stable, and easy to store.


    Baby feeding: Finding the way that's best for you both

    We know how important it is to find the feeding method that works best for you and your baby, but it's not always easy to balance health, comfort and convenience.


    What can a babymoov Nutribaby do for you?

    Whether you’re a full-on foodie or a beginner in the kitchen, the all-in-one function of the Babymoov Nutribaby One Food Processor is designed to simplify cooking so you can spend more time enjoying the weaning process.