Pregnancy | Birth

Find all you need for before, during and after pregnancy. There's super comfy clothing for all stages, nursing covers for feeding, hands-free breast pumps, and more. From brands such as Lola & Lykke, Tula, Stokke and Elvie.
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    Pregnancy | Birth FAQs

    Every woman is different, and everyone’s pregnancy experience will be different, but some may start to notice early signs ofpregnancy like nausea or tender breast tissue as early as a week or two after conception. If you start to experience these symptoms, this is when you should take a pregnancy test.

    Symptoms will become more noticeable at around four-six weeks, this is when you may start to experience morning sickness and vomiting. You may also notice that you are feeling more tired and exhausted, more emotional, and you may experience strange cravings and reactions to certain foods.

    There are a number of essential items you will need during
    your pregnancy, and a long list of items that you need to buy so you are
    prepared for your baby’s arrival.

    While you are pregnant, you will need:

    • Maternity clothing
    • Pregnancy pillows
    • Pre-natal vitamins
    • Morning sickness remedies
    • Books on pregnancy and what to
    • Gentle moisturiser
    • Supportive bras
    • Belly support band

    To prepare for your baby, you need to set up their nursery, get a car seat, clothes, nappies, a pram, a changing mat, and the list goes on, and on! Download our handy baby checklist to help you get everything you need for your exciting new

    Feeling prepared for the birth of your baby will help you
    feel more relaxed and stress free on the days and weeks leading up to your due
    date. It’s important to have your hospital bag packed and ready to go at least
    three weeks before your baby is due.

    In your hospital bag you will need:

    • Changing bags
    • Comfortable maternity clothing
    • C-Section and postnatal support clothing
    • Toiletries
    • Breast pumps and bottles
    • Sleepwear and blankets
    • Baby changing accessories
    • Car Seat

    To make sure you don’t miss a thing, you can download our helpful
    hospital bag checklist

    Find out when the ideal moment is to start creating your birth plan with your midwife. Week 36 is frequently recommended as the perfect time to discuss your preferences and get answers to any questions regarding labour. Don't forget to share your birth plan with your partner and other individuals in your pregnancy support network, such as your doula or labour coach, to ensure everyone is on the same page.

    Furthermore, it's crucial to consult with your doctor or hospital to learn about any specific delivery policies that could influence your plan. This will allow you to feel more prepared and knowledgeable about your delivery experience.

    Nesting is one of the most exciting times of pregnancy, it’s the time when you can really start to feel your new arrival and imagine them as part of your home.

    Many parents will decide to start nursery preparations at around week 20 of pregnancy, but it’s entirely up to you when you decide you need to nest.

    The nursery essentials you will need are:

    • Crib or bassinet
    • Mattress
    • Mattress pad and cover
    • Sheets
    • Nightlight
    • Swaddles
    • Rocking or nursery chair
    • Nursing pillow
    • Toys and books
    • Changing table and matt
    • Storage for clothes, nappies and
      other essentials

    If you’re looking for some space saving tips when creating your dream nursery, check out this blog and get some design inspo.

    It is entirely safe to travel while pregnant, depending on how far along you are.

    The best and safest time to travel when you are pregnant is during your second trimester, from 14 to 28 weeks. This time is when you will feel at your best, and when risks are at their lowest. Travelling too early while pregnant is risky because this is when miscarriages can be more common.

    After the 36-week mark, health care professionals strongly advise against travelling or flying, and some airlines won’t allow this anyway.

    There is nothing to fully prepare you for the joys, challenges, and emotions that come with being a mother or a parent, but there are a number of steps you can take while pregnant to help you feel more prepared.

    You should make sure you have your hospital bag packed and ready to grab and go at least three weeks before your due date – just in case you go into labour unexpectedly or early.

    You should also have purchased all of the baby essentials and set up and stocked your nursery. You can download our handy baby checklist to help you get everything you need for your exciting new arrival.

    It’s also important that you are prepared for labour and have an idea of your birthing plan. As with anything during pregnancy, there is no guarantee that everything will go to plan, but it’s good to feel prepared. So, whether you want a home or hospital birth, make sure you have discussed your preferred choice with your doctor/midwife

    Bland and dry foods such as bananas, rice and toast can be easy to digest when experiencing morning sickness. There is also some evidence to suggest that food and drink containing ginger can help to ease nausea and vomiting.

    It’s also important that you try to get plenty of rest and sleep, as fatigue can make nausea worse. Avoid smells that make you feel sick, and drink plenty of water to stay hydrated.

    Try snacking little and often, eat small frequent meals with plain foods like bread, crackers and pasta.

    After giving birth, midwives often recommend at least a few days of bed rest, or up to a full week if possible, as your body goes through some major changes. You can expect vaginal discharge, known as lochia, as your body sheds the blood and tissue from your uterus. The discharge is heavy and bright red in the beginning, potentially containing blood clots, and will eventually become lighter in colour. Remember that recovering from pregnancy and childbirth is not a quick process and can vary from person to persom. Although many women may feel mostly recovered after 6-8 weeks, it is not uncommon to take longer to feel like yourself again. Additionally, some new mums may experience emotional postpartum effects such as the baby blues or feeling down or anxious.

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