Nappies | Training

Discover our range of innovative, comfortable and durable reusable nappies and training products. Saving sore bottoms as well as the planet, from popular brands such as TotsBots and Modern Cloth Nappies.
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    Nappies | Training FAQs

    Prepare for a lot of nappy changes - your newborn may need up to 12 a day! But don't worry, we suggest using reusable nappies. They're not only eco-friendly, but also great for your wallet and gentle on baby's delicate skin. Your midwife will check for one wee and bowel movement one day one, then you can expect two wet nappies on day 2, three on day 3, four on day 4, five on day 5, and six each day after. You should also expect your little one to have frequent bowel movements during the first week.

    Did you know that every day in the UK, eight million disposable nappies are thrown away? Shockingly, these can take up to 500 years to decompose and take up around 4% of landfill space. Thankfully, there's a great alternative that's kinder to the environment and your wallet - reusable nappies! By choosing to reuse, you'll significantly reduce your carbon footprint, landfill waste and outgoings. Plus, your little one will benefit from kinder materials on their skin, easier potty training, less nappy rash, greater comfort, and, yes, fewer poonamis!

    If you're a new parent, you may be wondering how often to change your baby's nappy. The answer is simple: after every poo. However, you don't need to change their nappy after every wee! Instead, aim to change it before or after a feed, unless you notice nappy rash or skin irritation.

    At night, there's no need to wake your baby for a nappy change. Once they're sleeping through the night, an absorbent reusable cloth nappy will easily last 12 hours. Only change their nappy during the night if it's soiled or completely full.

    Remember, keeping your baby comfortable and clean is essential for their health and happiness. By following these tips, you'll have one happy and dry baby.

    Every child is different and there is no “right” time to potty train. Let them lead the way and look out for some of these signs to help you know when the time is right.

    1) Announcing it. If your toddler has started to tell you that they need the loo, or that they have a wee or poo in their nappy, then this is a sign of readiness. It shows that they are more aware of their bladder and have good knowledge of when they need to go to the loo.
    2) Good bladder control. If their nappies are starting to stay dryer for longer periods of time this shows they are starting to have better bladder control and could be ready to move on. We are looking for at least 1 to 2 hour intervals between wet nappies.
    3) They show that they need to pee by fidgeting or going somewhere quiet. Again this is a sign of awareness and knowledge about what they are doing, and a possible sign that they don’t feel comfortable peeing in their nappies any more, and are ready for the potty.
    4) Asking for the toilet. This one is pretty hard to miss or ignore if your child is literally asking to go to the toilet. So take their lead and let them start to use a potty or toilet. This could come from them watching you go to the toilet and wanting to imitate you, or perhaps they are just interested in the toilet and want to sit on it themselves, just go with it and see how it goes.

    Potty training is a unique experience for each toddler and there's no one-size-fits-all approach. It's important to wait until your child displays signs of readiness rather than pushing them into it too early or setting unrealistic expectations. The average age for potty training is 27 months, but it's better to go at your child's pace rather than rushing it. Be mindful not to succumb to pressure and make the transition when your little ones is ready.