Food Prep | Weaning

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    Food Prep | Weaning FAQs

    As a general guideline, you can keep homemade pureed baby food in the refrigerator for up to 48 hours. Some food safety experts suggest that it can last for up to 72 hours. Adhering to this time frame can reduce the risk of bacterial growth in the puree. Fortunately, making baby food in advance is possible. You may store a few ounces in the fridge for later use or freeze larger portions for future meals.

    Try getting your little one started on the path to food exploration with delicious single-ingredient purees! Think parsnip, broccoli, potato, yam, sweet potato, carrot, apple, or pear. You can also start with a mix of baby rice and milk. Just remember to cool down any cooked food before serving. And when it comes to introducing potentially allergenic foods, take it slow - introduce them one at a time and in small amounts. Give your baby the exciting new tastes they crave while keeping a watchful eye out for any reactions.

    When it comes to storing baby food, you have options - glass or plastic. But we highly recommend glass, especially the Babymoov range. Why? Glass jars are not only recyclable but also chemical-free. While plastic containers are lightweight and recyclable, they may contain harmful chemicals like BPA. To keep your baby's food fresh, store it in airtight containers in the fridge. Choose wisely and keep your little one safe.

    If you're wondering how long you can keep pureed homemade baby food in the fridge, the general rule is up to 48 hours. However, some food safety authorities say it's safe to keep it for up to 72 hours. Keeping it refrigerated for a shorter time reduces the chance of bacteria growth. If in doubt, use it within 2 days. If you have leftover, uncontaminated food, it can be refrigerated for 3-5 days or frozen for 4-6 months. For the best results, store it in small containers with a secure seal.

    Creating nutritious homemade baby food is easy with a few essential tools. You'll need a blender or baby food maker like our favourite Babymoov Nutribaby(+), a knife for chopping fruits and veggies, spoons, small bowls, and an ice cube tray. To thin out your purees, have water, formula, or breastmilk on hand. Remember to use specialised baby food storage containers for handy, on-the-go meals. Let's get started!

    We want to make sure every family’s weaning journey is a positive one, so we aim to provide expert advice to keep your baby happy and healthy. How should you approach your weaning journey? Experiences with weaning can be unique for every parent but take a look at our weaning blog for some tips and tricks for weaning:

    Ready to introduce your little one to solid foods? Weaning, or complementary feeding, typically begins around 6 months of age. But don't worry if your baby doesn't stick to the schedule - every baby's journey is unique! Here are the general stages of weaning for reference:

    - Stage 1: Introduction of solid foods at around 6 months
    - Stage 2: More textures and tastes explored at around 7 months
    - Stage 3: A wider variety of family foods explored at around 9-12 months
    Just remember to trust your instincts and enjoy the process with your little one.

    For optimal cleaning, we suggest hot soapy water for our weaning mats crafted from non-toxic materials like Mama Shack. You should try to avoid using antibacterial cleaning solutions or bleach-containing chemicals as they can cause discolouration and weaken the fabric, ultimately leading to cracks and breaks. Both machine washing and tumble drying are not recommended. While many of our weaning and splash mats are wipe clean, they are not resistant to strong colours. As a precaution, we advise being cautious with tomato-based products, curries, vegetables like beetroots, and cream with potent colouring properties, as they may cause staining.